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Retail Payment System Bill
Submitting to: The Economic Development, Science and Innovation Select CommitteeAuthor: Stephen SummersDate: 2021-12-08Category: EconomyIssue for Business: BusinessNZ has submitted on this issue a number of times in recent years, where we have discussed the best way...
Electricity Industry Amendment Bill
Submitting to: The Economic Development, Science and Innovation Select CommitteeAuthor: Emily CalvertDate: 2021-11-17Category: EnergyTags: ElectricityIssue for Business: The Bill implements changes recommended by the Electricity Price Review, seeking to strengthen...
Towards a Digital Strategy for New Zealand
Submitting to: Department of Internal Affairs (DIA)Author: Stephen SummersDate: 2021-11-10Category: EconomyIssue for Business: The last time a nationwide digital strategy took place was 2005, which was updated in 2008. While BusinessNZ welcomes consultation on this...
Land Transport (Clean Vehicle) Amendment Bill
Submitting to: Transport and Infrastructure Select CommitteeAuthor: Tina SchirrDate: 2021-11-04Category: EnergyTags: Transport | EmissionsIssue for Business: Decarbonising our transport sector is an of the obvious way for New Zealand to reduce its energy emissions....
Managing our Wetlands – A Discussion Document on proposed changes to the wetland regulations
Submitting to: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)Author: John PaskDate: 2021-10-27Category: Environment & InfrastructureIssue for Business: In 2020 Regulations on National Environmental Standards for Freshwater essentially prohibited earthworks on all 'natural...
COVID-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Bill
Submitting to: Finance and Expenditure Select CommitteeAuthor: John PaskDate: 2021-10-05Category: EconomyIssue for Business: An Omnibus Bill making a number of changes to various pieces of legislation as a result of Covid-19 restrictions. Most of the changes are...
Designing a governance framework for the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme
Submitting to: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)Author: Tina SchirrDate: 2021-09-17Category: Environment & InfrastructureTags: Emissions | Emissions Trading SchemeIssue for Business: Submission from BusinessNZ, BEC The Government seeks to improve the current market...
Submission on reforming industrial allocation in the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme
Submitting to: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)Author: Catherine BeardDate: 2021-09-17Category: Environment & InfrastructureIssue for Business: Concern that there have been significant changes already to the NZ ETS and the impact this has on EITE businesses. ETS is...
Proposed Regulations to support the Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Author: Emily CalvertDate: 2021-09-07Category: ResourceTags: Oil and GasIssue for Business: Submission from BusinessNZ and BEC The focus is on the multiple layers of requirements introduced,...
BusinessNZ submission on the scope of IRD’s long-term insights briefing
Submitting to: Inland Revenue Department (IRD)Author: Stephen SummersDate: 2021-09-06Category: EconomyIssue for Business: BusinessNZ’s submission on IRD’s consultation paper entitled ‘Tax, Investment & Productivity’, which examines the intended scope of their...
Crown Minerals Act (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
Submitting to: The Economic Development, Science and Innovation Select CommitteeAuthor: Emily CalvertDate: 2021-08-19Category: Environment & InfrastructureTags: Oil and GasIssue for Business: Submission from BusinessNZ and BusinessNZ Energy Council The Bill introduces...
Fire and Emergency NZ Funding Review Reference Group
Submitting to: Department of Internal Affairs (DIA)Author: John PaskDate: 2021-08-16Category: EconomyIssue for Business: The way in which fire services are funded has changed significantly over recent times with the establishment of a universal fire service under the...
ACC Levy Review 2022-2024
Submitting to: Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)Author: John PaskDate: 2021-08-16Category: EconomyIssue for Business: ACC Levy Review for the Work, Earners and Motor Vehicle Accounts for 2022-2024 impacts on levy payers.Action: ACC will be consulting on their...
Resource Management Reform
Author: John PaskDate: 2021-08-16Category: Environment & InfrastructureIssue for Business: Allow for greater and faster economic development while working within environmental limitsAction: After many years of disquiet with the current Resource Management Act (RMA),...
Local Government Funding and Financing
Author: John PaskDate: 2021-08-16Category: Environment & InfrastructureIssue for Business: Impact of rating policy on business costsAction: The Productivity Commission released its final report on Local Government Funding and Financing well over a year ago. BusinessNZ...
Monetary Policy
Author: John PaskDate: 2021-08-16Category: EconomyIssue for Business: Impact on the availability and cost of capital to businessAction: Government currently reviewing the Reserve Bank Act with a number of consultation phases which BusinessNZ has been involved in....
Sustainable Biofuels Mandate – Increasing the use of biofuels in transport
Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE),Ministry of Transport (MoT)Author: Tina SchirrDate: 2021-07-26Category: Environment & InfrastructureTags: Transport | EmissionsIssue for Business: Submission by BusinessNZ Energy Council...
Infrastructure for a Better Future NZ Infrastructure Commission
Author: BusinessNZDate: 2021-06-30Category: Environment & InfrastructureIssue for Business: Submission by BusinessNZ (BusNZ) and the Business Energy Council (BEC) commenting on New Zealand Infrastructure Commission’s Infrastructure for a Better Future Consultation...
Hikina te Kohupara Transport Emissions: Pathways to Net Zero by 2050
Submitting to: Ministry of Transport (MoT)Author: Tina SchirrDate: 2021-06-25Category: Environment & InfrastructureTags: Transport | EmissionsIssue for Business: Submission from BusinessNZ Energy Council Green Paper: Hīkina te Kohupara – Kia mauri ora ai te iwi...
Gas Market Settings Investigation
Submitting to: Gas Industry Company (GIC)Author: Emily CalvertDate: 2021-06-24Category: EnergyTags: Oil and GasIssue for Business: Submission by BusinessNZ Energy Council To Gas Industry Company (GIC) in May 2021. Ensure the current market, commercial and regulatory...