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Improving market governance of the NZ ETS

Submitting to: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)Author: Levi GibbsDate: 2023-02-28Category: Environment & InfrastructureIssue for Business: MfE has outlined options to regulate NZU market based on financial legislation, including the regulation of NZU advice and...

Business Payment Practices Regulations

Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Author: Stephen SummersDate: 2023-02-28Category: EconomyIssue for Business: Following on from BusinessNZ submission on the associated Bill for this regime late 2022, BusinessNZ also submitted on...

Review into the Future for Local Government

Submitting to: Local Government ReviewAuthor: John PaskDate: 2023-02-24Category: EconomyIssue for Business: The Review is looking at the future for local government, including roles and responsibilites, and future funding arrangements.Action: BusinessNZ has made a...

The future of workforce supply

Submitting to: BusinessNZAuthor: BusinessNZDate: 2023-02-09Category: Immigration, Education, Skills and TrainingIssue for Business: Business New Zealand asked Sense Partners to summarise the current state and outlook for New Zealand’s pipeline of talent, related...

Fuel Industry Amendment Bill

Submitting to: The Economic Development, Science and Innovation Select CommitteeAuthor: Levi GibbsDate: 2023-01-23Category: EnergyIssue for Business: The Bill is amended in two consequential ways. First, it gives the Commerce Commission the power to investigate...

Crown Minerals Amendment Bill

Submitting to: The Economic Development, Science and Innovation Select CommitteeAuthor: Levi GibbsDate: 2023-01-23Category: ResourceIssue for Business: The amendment to the Bill introduces and amends several changes. Firstly, the Bill introduces statutory requirements...

Sustainable Biofuel Obligation Bill

Submitting to: Environment Select CommitteeAuthor: Levi GibbsDate: 2023-01-11Category: EnergyIssue for Business: The Sustainable Biofuel Obligation proposed that fuel suppliers had to reduce their emissions by at least 1.2% in 2023, and increase their reductions out...

Business Payment Practices Bill

Submitting to: The Economic Development, Science and Innovation Select CommitteeAuthor: Stephen SummersDate: 2022-12-21Category: EconomyIssue for Business: BusinessNZ submitted on the Bill that would create the legislative framework for transparency around...

Inefficient Price Discrimination in very large contracts

Submitting to: Electricity AuthorityAuthor: Levi GibbsDate: 2022-10-31Category: EnergyIssue for Business: In August 2021, the Electricity Authority (EA), in conjunction with their review into the wholesale market, released a paper on the possibility of Inefficient...

Targeted Consultation for FENZ Levy Exemptions

Submitting to: Department of Internal Affairs (DIA)Author: John PaskDate: 2022-09-01Category: EconomyIssue for Business: DIA are currently undertaking targeted consultation on types of property that should/could be exempt from paying Fire and Emergency NZ (FENZ)...

Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan

Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Author: Joshua TanDate: 2022-07-22Category: EconomyIssue for Business: MBIE has consulted with the public on a plan of suggested work to accelerate the growth and transformation of the advanced...