Review into the Future for Local Government

Last updated: February 24, 2023


Review into the Future for Local Government

Published: February 24, 2023

Submitting To: Local Government Review

Issue for Business: The Review is looking at the future for local government, including roles and responsibilites, and future funding arrangements.

Action: BusinessNZ has made a submission saying that many improvements are needed to the way local government operates, including more cost-benefit transparency in decision-making, better analysis of the impact on businesses of local government regulation, and more focus on the 'beneficiary pays' approach to determining payment for local government services. Amore realistic approach to local government revenue streams is needed.

Outcome: The Review Team is currently analysing submissions and will be reporting back to the Minister for local government later this year. Given time constraints, it will be most unlikely that any changes as a result of the review will be made this side of the general election.


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