Developing a framework for offshore renewable energy discussion document
Last updated: November 2, 2023Energy
Developing a framework for offshore renewable energy discussion document
Published: November 2, 2023
Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Issue for Business: MBIE has released its second consultation document on the creation of a regulatory regime for offshore wind electricity generation. The first document relates to the feasibility stage of a permit regime. This document relates to the commercial permitting and decommissioning stage. We have outlined several priorities and recommendations the Government's approach should include: 1. Fast implementation of a permit regime with a straightforward criterion to ensure feasibility studies can begin. 2. Streamline the commercial permit stage by simplifying it to a pass or fail test based on a simpler capability criterion. 3. Simplify the consenting process by extending current policy guidance in the NPS-REG to the EEZ Act, so both Acts have the benefit of guidance. 4. Ensure coherence and avoid duplication in decision-making by appointing an authority for the EEZ and RMA components. 5. Clarify roles and taking necessary action for local port infrastructure, including investigations into required upgrades and funding mechanisms. 6. Develop a proactive workforce and supply chain strategy in tandem with the feasibility studies process, while being integrated into a sector-wide plan.