Residential Building Supplies Market Study – Preliminary Issues Paper
Last updated: February 4, 2022Economy
Residential Building Supplies Market Study – Preliminary Issues Paper
Published: February 4, 2022
Submitting To: Commerce Commission
Issue for Business: The Commerce Commission has stated that the purpose of this market study is to look at whether competition is working effectively within the residential building supplies industry and if not, what might be done to improve it. While BusinessNZ supports well-functioning and competitive industries, we are also conscious of the disruption such studies can cause, not to mention the potential for regulatory outcomes that do not align with any problems identified. Simply put, any market study that the Commerce Commission undertakes needs to be done properly. Therefore, BusinessNZ has raised some key aspects that we believe the Commerce Commission needs to keep in mind going forward with the investigation.
Action: Submitted to the Commerce Commission on 4 February
Outcome: Awaiting next stage of year-long investigation.