Transforming Recycling Consultation Document
Last updated: May 17, 2022Environment & Infrastructure
Transforming Recycling Consultation Document
Published: May 17, 2022
Submitting To: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)
Issue for Business: The Government wants to improve recycling rates in NZ given that they are generally low per capita compared to many other countries. MfE has issued a Consultation Document which covers 3 broad proposals. 1. Container Return Scheme (CRS) 2. improvements to household kerbside recycling, and 3. Separation of business food waste.
Action: BusinessNZ has put in a submission generally supporting the sentiment outlined in the Consultation Document towards improving the rate of recycling but outlining a broad range of issues which need to be addressed before any of the proposals are finalised and/or implemented.
Outcome: Awaiting Government Decisions