- Customer and Product Data Bill & Accompanying Discussion Document | July 24, 2023Economy
Customer and Product Data Bill & Accompanying Discussion Document
July 24, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Stephen Summers
Date: 2023-07-24
Category: Economy
Issue for Business: BusinessNZ previously submitted on MBIE’s Consumer Data Right (CDR) discussion document in 2020. Given where the use of consumer data is heading globally, we believe there are economic opportunities for New Zealand if the introduction of a CDR is done effectively and efficiently, and most importantly provides a pathway for innovation. Any future steps must include the needs, concerns and opportunities for the business community.
Action: Submission sent to MBIE.
Outcome: Bill to be introduced later in 2023.
Action: Submission sent to MBIE.Outcome: Bill to be introduced later in 2023.- Consultation on a proposed increase to the Fire and Emergency transistional levy for 2024/25 and 2025/26 | April 27, 2023
EconomyConsultation on a proposed increase to the Fire and Emergency transistional levy for 2024/25 and 2025/26
April 27, 2023Submitting To: Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ)
Author: John Pask
Date: 2023-04-27
Category: Economy
Issue for Business: Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) is proposing an increase of 12.8% in the transistional levy component across all levied insurance policies for the 2024/25 and 2025/26 financial years to pay for the significant cost increase largely resulting for the new collective employment agreement settled in December 2022 between Fire and Emergency NZ (FENZ) and the NZ Professional Firefighters Union (NZPFU).
Action: BusinessNZ has made a submission to FENZ recommending that given the significant public good aspects of many of the services provided by the FENZ, the total cost increase in the transitional levy, forecast for the financial years 2024/25 and 2025/26, be funded from general taxation, partially compensating for the significant shortfall in FENZ's current government funding.
Outcome: FENZ are currently analysing submissions but is likely that they will proceed with their proposed policy rather than look at new funding mechanisms simply because they have discounted other methods of funding -despite the deficiencies associated with current funding methods.
Action: BusinessNZ has made a submission to FENZ recommending that given the significant public good aspects of many of the services provided by the FENZ, the total cost increase in the transitional levy, forecast for the financial years 2024/25 and 2025/26, be funded from general taxation, partially compensating for the significant shortfall in FENZ's current government funding.Outcome: FENZ are currently analysing submissions but is likely that they will proceed with their proposed policy rather than look at new funding mechanisms simply because they have discounted other methods of funding -despite the deficiencies associated with current funding methods.- Business Payment Practices Regulations | February 28, 2023
EconomyBusiness Payment Practices Regulations
February 28, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Stephen Summers
Date: 2023-02-28
Category: Economy
Issue for Business: Following on from BusinessNZ submission on the associated Bill for this regime late 2022, BusinessNZ also submitted on MBIE's Discussion Document that attempts to provide more details around how the regime will work, including possible measures that will be included for those that are required to comply. Overall, BusinessNZ submitted that compliance costs and the number of measures be kept to a minimum, as well as ongoing consultation with the business community to ensure a high quality regulatory outcome.
Action: Submitted on Discussion Document.
Outcome: Awaiting decisions by MBIE.
Action: Submitted on Discussion Document.Outcome: Awaiting decisions by MBIE.- Review into the Future for Local Government | February 24, 2023
EconomyReview into the Future for Local Government
February 24, 2023Submitting To: Local Government ReviewIssue for Business:Submitting to: Local Government Review
Author: John Pask
Date: 2023-02-24
Category: Economy
Issue for Business: The Review is looking at the future for local government, including roles and responsibilites, and future funding arrangements.
Action: BusinessNZ has made a submission saying that many improvements are needed to the way local government operates, including more cost-benefit transparency in decision-making, better analysis of the impact on businesses of local government regulation, and more focus on the 'beneficiary pays' approach to determining payment for local government services. A more realistic approach to local government revenue streams is needed.
Outcome: The Review Team has made public its final report. Given time constraints, no changes as a result of the review will be made this side of the general election. While the final review report makes some useful recommendations e.g Govt should pay rates on Crown-owned Land and that Cabinet should consider more fully the implications of making decisions that impose added costs on Local Government, by and large the report promotes a number of dubious concepts which are likely to make planning decisions even more difficult. At the same time they have effectively rejected the 'beneficiary pays' principle that both the Productivity Commission and Business Organisations have supported.
Action: BusinessNZ has made a submission saying that many improvements are needed to the way local government operates, including more cost-benefit transparency in decision-making, better analysis of the impact on businesses of local government regulation, and more focus on the 'beneficiary pays' approach to determining payment for local government services. Amore realistic approach to local government revenue streams is needed.Outcome: The Review Team is currently analysing submissions and will be reporting back to the Minister for local government later this year. Given time constraints, it will be most unlikely that any changes as a result of the review will be made this side of the general election.- Five-year review of the Monetary Policy Committee Remit that guides monetary policy decisions | January 27, 2023
EconomyFive-year review of the Monetary Policy Committee Remit that guides monetary policy decisions
January 27, 2023Submitting To: Reserve Bank of New ZealandIssue for Business:Submitting to: Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Author: John Pask
Date: 2023-01-27
Category: Economy
Issue for Business: The purpose is to get feedback on the Remit that guides decision-making by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) on monetary policy and Official Cash Rate (OCR) Adjustments.
Action: BusinessNZ's submission broadly supports the policy discussions on issues outlined within the Consultation Paper, including the Reserve Bank's recognition of the need to avoid having too many objectives for monetary policy and hence the decision to deem distributional and climate change issues as being 'out of scope'.
Outcome: The Reserve Bank has now completed its 5-yearly review and has clarified that 'house price sustainability' is not an operational objective of the Monetary Policy Committee remit. Recently the RB dropped consideration of including 'mitigating climate change' and 'fighting wealth and income inequality' in its remit. BusinessNZ considers this sensible as these issues are best tackled by other institutions, whereas the RB should be focused principally on price stability.
Action: BusinessNZ's submission broadly supports the policy discussions on issues outlined within the Consultation Paper, including the Reserve Bank's recognition of the need to avoid having too many objectives for monetary policy and hence the decision to deem distributional and climate change issues as being 'out of scope'.Outcome: The Reserve Bank will use feedback to inform their advice to the Minister of Finance on whether the Remit should be replaced or amended.- Consultation on ACC’s Accredited Employers’ Programme | November 6, 2022Employment Relations
Consultation on ACC’s Accredited Employers’ Programme
November 6, 2022Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Paul Mackay
Date: 2022-11-06
Category: Employment Relations
Issue for Business: ACC is recommending changes to the Accredited Employers Programme which allows large employers to cover their employees’ claims for work injuries in return for a reduction in their ACC employer levies. BusinessNZ's submission to MBIE responds to the proposed changes.
- Pay equity | April 27, 2021
Employment RelationsPay equity
April 27, 2021Issue for Business:Author: Paul Mackay
Date: 2021-04-27
Category: Employment Relations
Issue for Business: The Equal Pay Amendment Act was passed on November 6, 2020. Prior to its passage a range of claims had been made in the state sector, these have been dealt with using the set of principles developed by the Pay Equity Joint Working Group chaired by Dame Patsy Reddy, and since enshrined in the law. Since the Act was passed a further claim has been made for Early Childhood workers. This is the first real challenge for the Act given the large number of employers working in a sector characterised by a lack of coordination between the various employers’ groups.
Action: The government has set up a Data Repository to capture claims data as claims are settled, providing a research base for future claims.
Outcome: BusinessNZ is a member of the governance group of the Repository, to ensure that data relating to claims in the private sector are managed with appropriate recognition of privacy and commercial confidentiality.
Action: The government has set up a Data Repository to capture claims data as claims are settled, providing a research base for future claims.Outcome: BusinessNZ is a member of the governance group of the Repository, to ensure that data relating to claims in the private sector are managed with appropriate recognition of privacy and commercial confidentiality.- Fair Pay Agreements | April 27, 2021
Employment RelationsFair Pay Agreements
April 27, 2021Issue for Business:Author: Paul Mackay
Date: 2021-04-27
Category: Employment Relations
Issue for Business: The current government was elected in 2017 with a commitment to introduce Fair Pay Agreements (FPAs). Fair pay agreements are a set of terms and conditions of employment for an occupational group or sector. They will be agreed through bargaining between affected workers and employers, and will then become legal requirements in that sector. The Fair Pay Agreements Working Group (FPAWG) delivered its report to the Government in December 2018. This was followed in 2019 by a national consultation document that sought views on the Work Group’s recommendations. After discussions with Business NZ Zealand First indicated that the issues for business were significant, they did not support the development of FPAs and the process was stalled. Subsequent to the 2020 Election the majority Labour Government indicated that it would move ahead with implementing FPAs and is now working through the complex policy issues related to establishing what is in essence an old award system.
Action: In addition to discussions with New Zealand First, in July 2019, BusinessNZ expressed concerns to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) about the compulsory nature of the proposed FPAs, arguing that they breach the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention 1949 – conventions which the New Zealand Government has ratified. Therefore if the Government passed legislation compelling organisations to participate in FPAs it would be a breach of its international commitments. This would have signifcnat reputational implications for the Government, and subject it to deeper international scrutiny.
Outcome: The ILO has approached the government several times for comment. The Government has yet to respond.
Action: In addition to discussions with New Zealand First, in July 2019, BusinessNZ expressed concerns to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) about the compulsory nature of the proposed FPAs, arguing that they breach the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention 1949 – conventions which the New Zealand Government has ratified. Therefore if the Government passed legislation compelling organisations to participate in FPAs it would be a breach of its international commitments. This would have signifcnat reputational implications for the Government, and subject it to deeper international scrutiny.Outcome: The ILO has approached the government several times for comment. The Government has yet to respond.- The Holidays Act | January 27, 2021
Employment RelationsThe Holidays Act
January 27, 2021Issue for Business:Author: Paul Mackay
Date: 2021-01-27
Category: Employment Relations
Issue for Business: From around 2014 it became apparent that many employers were not applying the Holidays Act correctly when calculating Holiday Pay. Arrears in many cases totaled tens of millions of dollars. Previous reviews aimed at clarifying the current Act pointed to systemic problems. In late 2018, following a joint approach from BusinessNZ and the NZ Council of Trade Unions, the Government commissioned a full review of the Holidays Act. Whilst the Government received the recommendations of the Holidays Act review Working Group, it took no action until 2021. The Government has agreed to amend the Act in line with the recommendations of the Working Group Separately from the review, the Government has chosen to make two additional changes not supported by BusinessNZ, and outside the terms of reference of the review of the Act. These are; • increasing the minimum sick leave entitlements • introduction of a new Matariki public holiday Still further changes are imminent via a private members bill that that introduces an additional category of bereavement leave for instances where an employee has suffered a miscarriage. While these are all valid reasons for people to take leave, the creation of additional entitlements creates additional costs for employers at a time when even small increases are significant. BusinessNZ estimates that the introduction of additional sick leave and Matariki will remove approximately 8 million person days per year from national productivity.
Action: BusinessNZ submitted on the Amendment Bill
Outcome: The report of the Holidays Act Task force was released on 23 February 2021, having been accepted by Cabinet in its entirety. The Holidays (Sick Leave) Amendment Bill is currently in the Select Committee stages in Parliament, while a Bill to enact Matariki is expected later this year.
Action: BusinessNZ submitted on the Amendment BillOutcome: The report of the Holidays Act Task force was released on 23 February 2021, having been accepted by Cabinet in its entirety. The Holidays (Sick Leave) Amendment Bill is currently in the Select Committee stages in Parliament, while a Bill to enact Matariki is expected later this year.- Developing a framework for offshore renewable energy discussion document | November 2, 2023Energy
Developing a framework for offshore renewable energy discussion document
November 2, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-11-02
Category: Energy
Issue for Business: MBIE has released its second consultation document on the creation of a regulatory regime for offshore wind electricity generation. The first document relates to the feasibility stage of a permit regime. This document relates to the commercial permitting and decommissioning stage. We have outlined several priorities and recommendations the Government's approach should include: 1. Fast implementation of a permit regime with a straightforward criterion to ensure feasibility studies can begin. 2. Streamline the commercial permit stage by simplifying it to a pass or fail test based on a simpler capability criterion. 3. Simplify the consenting process by extending current policy guidance in the NPS-REG to the EEZ Act, so both Acts have the benefit of guidance. 4. Ensure coherence and avoid duplication in decision-making by appointing an authority for the EEZ and RMA components. 5. Clarify roles and taking necessary action for local port infrastructure, including investigations into required upgrades and funding mechanisms. 6. Develop a proactive workforce and supply chain strategy in tandem with the feasibility studies process, while being integrated into a sector-wide plan.
- Measures for transition to an expanded and highly renewable electricity system discussion document | November 2, 2023
EnergyMeasures for transition to an expanded and highly renewable electricity system discussion document
November 2, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-11-02
Category: Energy
Issue for Business: MBIE has released a paper outlining possible measures, including financial support mechanisms, regulatory changes and new guidance/standards to help support the transition. Our recommendations include: 1. Reduce uncertainty from NZ Battery Project and the 100% aspirational renewable electricity target. 2. Avoid duplicating existing work programmes, adhere to MDAG's recommendations. 3. Entrust assessment and measures surrounding competition to the EA and Commerce Commission. 4. Streamline consenting processes for transmission, distribution and generation. 5. Ensure regulatory frameworks facilitate proactive forward-looking investment in distribution/transmission. 6. Form industry consensus on the measures needed to ensure sufficient peaking capacity is available. 7. Ensuring settings balance the Trilemma. Despite price signals incentivizing new generation, prolonged high prices are unsustainable and detrimental to industry 8. Additional renewable penetration and growing peak demand is creating challenges for the grid. MDAG has demonstrated the need for more demand response to reduce the risk of blackouts. But for this to occur, demand response must be sufficiently incentivized for industry to offer their capacity.
- Implementing a ban on new fossil-fuel baseload electricity generation discussion document | November 2, 2023
EnergyImplementing a ban on new fossil-fuel baseload electricity generation discussion document
November 2, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-11-02
Category: Energy
Issue for Business: This consultation document discusses a proposed ban on new thermal baseload electricity generation. We oppose this proposal due to four main reasons. Each is detailed further in the submission attached. 1.) No developer is exploring to, nor planning to, construct new thermal baseload generation. This is likely to continue due to technology improvements that promises lower LCOE. Renewable forms of technology are already far cheaper and superior. 2.) However, despite the low probability of new thermal baseload, there a several scenarios that could justify new baseload. First, for an specified reason, renewables could fail to deliver sufficient baseload generation, thereby compromising security of supply, thus warranting new baseload. Second, new plant might be necessary to replace aging ones that could still play a role in the system for unspecified and unknown reasons. Replacing existing plant with modern and more energy efficient units capable of operating as baseload if necessary during dry years could be beneficial. Lastly, participants may identify opportunities for new co-generation to enhance the efficiency of their industrial process. 3.) The ban is unnecessary within a system that is already capped under the Emissions Trading Scheme. The ETS presents a large hurdle for any form of carbon-intensive generation, without the direct intervention of regulatory bans and ministerial interference. If the system necessitates new thermal baseload, despite higher carbon prices, it merely signifies that this plant and its emissions hold a higher value relative to other emissions (underscoring the existence of more cost-effective abatements elsewhere in the economy. A ban would free units to less valued ends, while have implications on energy affordability and security.
- Interim Hydrogen Roadmap | November 2, 2023
EnergyInterim Hydrogen Roadmap
November 2, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-11-02
Category: Energy
Issue for Business: This paper is an interim roadmap before the release of a final roadmap. The paper outlines several opportunities for the use of hydrogen. We have recommended several main priorities underlying the hydrogen roadmap: a) The roadmap should aim to enhance the investability of hydrogen. In doing so, it should provide a lucid understanding of hydrogen's role in New Zealand. Once this clarity has been given, it will attract investments and international attention. b) Conduct a comprehensive assessment outlining the distinctive characteristics of NZ's possible market which is grounded in our unique energy system, including our geographic nuances, economic landscape and demand profile, prioritizing local considerations over global trends that may not be relevant for New Zealand's future demand. c) Perform analysis encompassing the uncertainties and risks associated with hydrogen utilization. This should explore alternative applications, ensuring that the evaluation is not isolated from other potential uses. d) Ensure ongoing monitoring of international and domestic developments that could significantly influence the economic and technological developments that could influence the economic viability of hydrogen. e) Promptly implement PwC's hydrogen regulatory pathway report submitted in July 2022.
- Gas Transition Plan Issues paper | November 2, 2023
EnergyGas Transition Plan Issues paper
November 2, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-11-02
Category: Energy
Issue for Business: This paper released by MBIE, outlines the issues and opportunities relating to the Gas Transition Plan. We recommend that the priorities underlying the GTP should include: 1. An enduring and bipartisan understanding about the important role of gas throughout the transition and the right policy settings to reflect this role. 2. Restore enough confidence to ensure investment in deliverability by ruling out further heavy-handed interventions and replacing existing decommissioning requirements that lock away capital needed for incremental drilling. c) Investigate routes on how CCS technology could be deployed sooner, while developing regulatory settings that enable and incentivise the use of CCS technology. d) Keep all options open. Regulatory interventions aimed at reducing emissions may limit optionality, i.e., a ban on new residential gas connections limits biogas and hydrogen, destroying option value. e) A joint-up approach is needed in the formulation of policy. The direction of ETS policy could determine a firms’ presence in New Zealand and its demand for gas. f) Clarify the role of renewable gases, including the actions required to enable biogas or hydrogen blending. g) Clarify the role, responsibilities and costs involved in the decommissioning of some existing gas infrastructure
- Proposed National Policy Statement for Natural Hazard Decision Making (NPS-NHD) | November 17, 2023Environment & Infrastructure
Proposed National Policy Statement for Natural Hazard Decision Making (NPS-NHD)
November 17, 2023Submitting To: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)
Author: John Pask
Date: 2023-11-17
Category: Environment & Infrastructure
Issue for Business: The rationale for MfE promoting the proposed NPS-NHD is the growing threat to NZ from natural hazards, increasing the risk to human life and property. MfE also states that the way local authorities identify natural hazards and make decisions on new development varies throughout the country. It should be noted that the proposed NPS-NHD will only apply to new infrastructure.
Action: BusinessNZ has submitted to MfE stating that it is arguable that a NPS-NHD is required for a range of reasons. The propsoed NPS-NHD refers to risk tolerance but there is no clear definition of what 'tolerable' or 'íntolerable' risk is, apart from relatively vague references to loss of property and/or potential loss of life. BusinessNZ considers that given owners and developers of infrastructure generally have strong incentives to build fit for purpose, there is little role for regulators to restrict where development can occur, apart from where the potential externalities from a development may impact significantly on third parties and which are not adequately dealt with as part of the development.
Outcome: Awaiting MfE/Government decisions after submissions have been analysed.
Action: BusinessNZ has submitted to MfE stating that it is arguable that a NPS-NHD is required for a range of reasons. The propsoed NPS-NHD refers to risk tolerance but there is no clear definition of what 'tolerable' or 'íntolerable' risk is, apart from relatively vague references to loss of property and/or potential loss of life. BusinessNZ considers that given owners and developers of infrastructure generally have strong incentives to build fit purpose, there is little role for regulators to restrict where development can occur, apart from where the potential externalities from a development may impact significantly on third parties and which are not adequately dealt with as part of the development.Outcome: Awaiting MfE/Government decisions after submissions have been analysed.- Parliamentary Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Adaptation | November 1, 2023
Environment & InfrastructureParliamentary Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Adaptation
November 1, 2023Submitting To: Environment Select CommitteeIssue for Business:Submitting to: Environment Select Committee
Author: John Pask
Date: 2023-11-01
Category: Environment & Infrastructure
Issue for Business: The previous Government set up a Parliamentary Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Adaptation (terms of reference which were released on 24th August 2023). Submissions to the Inquiry have now closed and it will be up to the new Government to decide whether to proceed further with the Inquiry.
Action: BusinessNZ has made a submission to the Inquiry stating that managed retreat is an important issue with significant implications for property rights; it has to be carefully thought through. While BusinessNZ made a number of recommendations in its submission, one of the key ones being that there should be a high threshold for central or local government requiring people to move, generally restricted to cases where there is a significant public risk to the wider community, or where the cost of continuing to provide infrastructure services (roading/water/sewage etc) is prohibitive and cannot reasonably be funded principally by those who benefit from the provision of those services.
Outcome: Still awaiting formation of new Government and decision as to whether they will proceed with the Inquiry.
Action: BusinessNZ has made a submission to the Inquiry stating that managed retreat is an important issue with significant implications for property rights; it has to be carefully thought through. While BusinessNZ made a number of recommendations in its submission, one of the key ones being that there should be a high threshold for central or local government requiring people to move, generally restricted to cases where there is a significant public risk to the wider community, or where the cost of continuing to provide infrastructure services (roading/water/sewage etc) is prohibitive and cannot reasonably be funded principally by those who benefit from the provision of those services.Outcome: Still awaiting formation of new Government and decision as to whether they will proceed with the Inquiry.- The Review of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) | August 11, 2023
Environment & InfrastructureThe Review of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)
August 11, 2023Submitting To: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-08-11
Category: Environment & Infrastructure
Issue for Business: The Government has decided to review the Emissions Trading Scheme. Their aim is to rebalance the ETS to account for more gross emission reductions. This was set out in the Emissions Reduction Plan and inform by recommendations from the Climate Change Commission. 1.) The ETS has severely damaged confidence in the carbon market. One objective ought to be to restore such confidence. 2.) We recommend that the Government promptly rules out retrospective changes to current NZU rights, providing stability and predictability of the ETS regime for businesses and investors. 3.) Any changes need to be grounded in key principles: flexibility, stability, cost-effectiveness, simplicity and optionality. 4.) We recommend conducting a comprehensive quantitative analysis to determine the level of gross emission reductions intended up to 2050 before any options are decided. 5.) This should include an assessment of the costs and benefits of each option in rebalancing the ETS towards more gross reductions. 6.) Alongside the assessment of current options, we recommend assessing non-ETS measures aimed at managing and controlling afforestation. 7.) We would like to see a comprehensive assessment of all aspects impacting afforestation economics and potential planting. 8.) This should include undertaking a comprehensive assessment of the potential amount and types of land suitable for afforestation in the permanent exotic forestry category. 9.) We recommend to account for constraints beyond the ETS. 10.) We do not support any option at this stage due to the lack of detail and inadequate acknowledgement of non-ETS measures that could address the stated problem.
Outcome: This marks the beginning of the ETS review. Future changes are expected in the future.
Outcome: This marks the beginning of the ETS review. Future changes are expected in the future.- 2023 Draft advice to inform the strategic direction of the Government’s second emissions reduction plan | June 20, 2023
Environment & Infrastructure2023 Draft advice to inform the strategic direction of the Government’s second emissions reduction plan
June 20, 2023Submitting To: Climate Change CommissionIssue for Business:Submitting to: Climate Change Commission
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-06-20
Category: Environment & Infrastructure
Issue for Business: The Commission released its advice to inform the Government's second ERP. The advice outlines numerous recommendations on the strategic direction of the Government's policy direction across multiple sectors, including but not limited to, energy, industrial users and agriculture. BusinessNZ and BEC commented on several sections based on the impact upon climate change policy, and their relative consequence upon the broader business community. This submission clarifies and reinforces BusinessNZ/BEC's position on the role of gross and net emission reductions, the role of forestry, the integration of CCUS into the ETS, the Government's NDC target (and fiscal implications), the impact of policy uncertainty, RMA barriers and the important role of thermal in NZ's energy system.
- Annual updates to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme limits and price control settings | June 16, 2023
Environment & InfrastructureAnnual updates to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme limits and price control settings
June 16, 2023Submitting To: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-06-16
Category: Environment & Infrastructure
Issue for Business: This submission is a response to MfE's proposed changes to the ETS price and unit settings. We outlined several recommendations and discussion points: 1.) We recommend conducting fewer reviews of price and unit settings and providing clarity on the balance between gross and net reductions. 2.) We recommend avoiding premature reductions in the stockpiled units. 3.) We support maintaining the status quo regarding the CCR and price floor to prevent this from becoming a reference point for particularly high prices. 4.) We emphasise that external constraints exist outside of the ETS that limit the effectiveness of a higher price signal. 5.) We recommend the Government proactively releases any market moving announcements before quarterly auctions, providing market participants sufficient to react to policy changes. The submission outlines the justification for each recommendation and statement.
Outcome: The High Court ordered the Government to reconsider ETS settings agreed to last year after a judicial review brought by the Lawyers for Climate Action. The Government has recognized the Court's decision and has agreed to the Climate Change Commission's 2022 recommendations on unit and price settings. This has overruled the proposed settings outlined in this consultation. Has a result there will be: 1. The CCR will be split into two-tiers. 2. Tier 1 of the CCR will increase from $82 to $173.00 3. The auction floor will rise from $33.06 to $60.00 4. There will be 17.6 million fewer NZUs auctioned over 2023-2028.
Advocacy Map
- Three Year Review of the CPTPP – Inclusive Trade Action Group | September 30, 2022Export & Trade
Three Year Review of the CPTPP – Inclusive Trade Action Group
September 30, 2022Submitting To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFaT)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFaT)
Author: Joshua Tan
Date: 2022-09-30
Category: Export & Trade
Issue for Business: At the time of signing the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), New Zealand, together with Canada and Chile, signed the Joint Declaration on Fostering Progressive and Inclusive Trade (attached). The Joint Declaration founded the Inclusive Trade Action Group and, amongst other provisions, committed New Zealand to reviewing the effectiveness of the CPTPP three years after entry into force. MFAT asked for input into this review process.
Action: ExportNZ wrote a letter to MFAT with our feedback on the impact of the CPTPP on inclusive trade.
Outcome: MFAT will finalise their review in October 2022.
Action: ExportNZ wrote a letter to MFAT with our feedback on the impact of the CPTPP on inclusive trade.Outcome: MFAT will finalise their review in October 2022.- Modernising Our Export Assurances Systems: Legislative Options | September 29, 2022
Export & TradeModernising Our Export Assurances Systems: Legislative Options
September 29, 2022Submitting To: Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)
Author: Joshua Tan
Date: 2022-09-29
Category: Export & Trade
Issue for Business: MPI requested feedback on legislative options for food and fibre exports to help them regulate in response to overseas market access requirements.
Action: ExportNZ and the New Zealand International Business Forum wrote in support of Legislative Option One which would allow for for the legislation for new export requirements to be put in place for food and fibre exports that are outside the scope of the Animal Products Act and Wine Act.
Outcome: Awaiting the next stage of the process, expect MPI to have selected an option and will consult again.
Action: ExportNZ and the New Zealand International Business Forum wrote in support of Legislative Option One which would allow for for the legislation for new export requirements to be put in place for food and fibre exports that are outside the scope of the Animal Products Act and Wine Act.Outcome: Awaiting the next stage of the process, expect MPI to have selected an option and will consult again.- ExportNZ Letter of Support for the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement Legislation Bill | August 21, 2022
Export & TradeExportNZ Letter of Support for the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement Legislation Bill
August 21, 2022Submitting To: Parliamentary Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade Select CommitteeIssue for Business:Submitting to: Parliamentary Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade Select Committee
Author: Joshua Tan
Date: 2022-08-21
Category: Export & Trade
Issue for Business: Export New Zealand (ExportNZ) welcomes the opportunity to submit on the international treaty examination of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement (UK-NZ FTA).
Action: ExportNZ wrote, for the second time, to the FADT Select Committee in support of the passing of the UK Free Trade Agreement Legislation Bill and the ratification of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement.
Outcome: Awaiting next Reading in the House
Action: ExportNZ wrote, for the second time, to the FADT Select Committee in support of the passing of the UK Free Trade Agreement Legislation Bill and the ratification of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement.Outcome: Awaiting next Reading in the House- New Zealand’s Participation in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity | June 20, 2022
Export & TradeNew Zealand’s Participation in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity
June 20, 2022Submitting To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFaT)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFaT)
Author: Joshua Tan
Date: 2022-06-20
Category: Export & Trade
Issue for Business: MFAT have asked for submissions on New Zealand's participation in the US-initiative "Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity". The Framework is designed to re-engage the US in the Indo-Pacific through four pillars: Fair & Resilient Trade; Supply Chain Resilience; Infrastructure, Clean Energy, & Decarbonisation; and Tax & Anti-Corruption.
Action: ExportNZ believes there are significant opportunities and positive outcomes for New Zealand should it be involved in the Framework and we, therefore, lend our initial support to New Zealand’s participation in IPEF. In particular, ExportNZ supports New Zealand’s participation in three of the four pillars: Fair & Resilient Trade; Supply Chain Resilience; and Infrastructure, Clean Energy, & Decarbonisation.
Outcome: Awaiting Decision from MFAT on NZ Participation.
Action: ExportNZ believes there are significant opportunities and positive outcomes for New Zealand should it be involved in the Framework and we, therefore, lend our initial support to New Zealand’s participation in IPEF. In particular, ExportNZ supports New Zealand’s participation in three of the four pillars: Fair & Resilient Trade; Supply Chain Resilience; and Infrastructure, Clean Energy, & Decarbonisation.Outcome: Awaiting Decision from MFAT on NZ Participation.- ExportNZ Submission on the International Treaty Examination of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement | March 13, 2022
Export & TradeExportNZ Submission on the International Treaty Examination of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement
March 13, 2022Submitting To: Parliamentary Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade Select CommitteeIssue for Business:Submitting to: Parliamentary Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade Select Committee
Author: Joshua Tan
Date: 2022-03-13
Category: Export & Trade
Issue for Business: Export New Zealand (ExportNZ) welcomes the opportunity to submit on the international treaty examination of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement (UK-NZ FTA).
Action: ExportNZ believes the UK-NZ FTA achieves these aims and we support the ratification of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement.
Outcome: Ongoing
Action: ExportNZ believes the UK-NZ FTA achieves these aims and we support the ratification of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement.Outcome: Ongoing- Southern Cross BusinessNZ 2021 Workplace Wellness Survey | April 27, 2021Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Southern Cross BusinessNZ 2021 Workplace Wellness Survey
April 27, 2021Issue for Business:Author: Stephen Summers
Date: 2021-04-27
Category: Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Issue for Business: The survey is used to consider the scale of absenteeism in New Zealand, how much employers are doing to assist employees with health and wellness, and where, if any, there are gaps. This year, the survey will look at how COVID-19 has impacted New Zealand workplaces. Specifically, it will investigate how the pandemic has impacted workplace absence, policies regarding sick leave and whether employees continue to work while unwell, and the extent to which businesses have changed their working from home practices.
Action: The questionnaire is currently in the field till early May.
Outcome: Once the results are analysed, a report is expected to be released around July/August.
Action: The questionnaire is currently in the field till early May.Outcome: Once the results are analysed, a report is expected to be released around July/August.
- Productivity Commission Immigration Inquiry feedback | May 23, 2023Immigration, Education, Skills & Training
Productivity Commission Immigration Inquiry feedback
May 23, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Rachel Simpson
Date: 2023-05-23
Category: Immigration, Education, Skills and Training
Issue for Business: BusinessNZ provided feedback to the Government's response to the Productivity Commission Immigration Inquiry. BusinessNZ advised a Government Policy Statement was not necessary to better co-ordinate labour market supply channels, and that Te Tiriti o Waitangi centric immigration policy required further clarification before commenting.
Action: Consult with members and submit to MBIE
Action: Consult with members and submit to MBIE- The future of workforce supply | February 9, 2023
Immigration, Education, Skills & TrainingThe future of workforce supply
February 9, 2023Submitting To: BusinessNZIssue for Business:Submitting to: BusinessNZ
Author: BusinessNZ
Date: 2023-02-09
Category: Immigration, Education, Skills and Training
Issue for Business: Business New Zealand asked Sense Partners to summarise the current state and outlook for New Zealand’s pipeline of talent, related issues, and opportunities. We found that labour shortages have intensified over time and will intensify further with an ageing population. The issue is global and hence the competition for talent will also be global. While we have used immigration as an important source of labour in the past, we will need to be more consistent and deliberate on our immigration policy in the face of global demand for talent.
- Reform of Vocational education. | April 27, 2021
Immigration, Education, Skills & TrainingReform of Vocational education.
April 27, 2021Issue for Business:Author: Rachel Simpson
Date: 2021-04-27
Category: Immigration, Education, Skills and Training
Issue for Business: BusinessNZ is supportive of the ambition of RoVE to create a more effective and efficient system to deliver the skills industry needs. We remain mindful of the challenge of large-scale change and the risk of disruption to the skills pipeline, particularly given the challenging immigration settings. The positive response to Apprenticeship boost from business is heartening, and we are working to make sure that businesses continue to have access to support to ensure we can continue building the skills pipeline in years to come.
Action: BusinessNZ submitted on Workforce Development Council OIC, and is working with officials on governance for Worforce Development Councils and Regional Skills Leadership Groups.
Outcome: BusinessNZ immigration and skills manager Rachel Simpson is working to accelerate workforce planning to meet skill challenges.
Action: BusinessNZ submitted on Workforce Development Council OIC, and is working with officials on governance for Worforce Development Councils and Regional Skills Leadership Groups.Outcome: BusinessNZ immigration and skills manager Rachel Simpson is working to accelerate workforce planning to meet skill challenges.- Border and immigration settings | April 27, 2021
Immigration, Education, Skills & TrainingBorder and immigration settings
April 27, 2021Issue for Business:Author: Rachel Simpson
Date: 2021-04-27
Category: Immigration, Education, Skills and Training
Issue for Business: BusinessNZ is focused on the retention of skills (extensions, family reunification, removal of three-year stand down). We are also engaging with Government on plans for border opening and resuming visa processing (exemption settings, bubbles, vaccine passports, MIQ plans), future immigration settings, employer assisted visa settings and investor category visa settings
Action: We have submitted advice on this and continue to work with officials and Ministers on the issues.
Action: We have submitted advice on this and continue to work with officials and Ministers on the issues.- Crown Minerals Amendment Bill | January 23, 2023Resource
Crown Minerals Amendment Bill
January 23, 2023Submitting To: The Economic Development, Science and Innovation Select CommitteeIssue for Business:Submitting to: The Economic Development, Science and Innovation Select Committee
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-01-23
Category: Resource
Issue for Business: The amendment to the Bill introduces and amends several changes. Firstly, the Bill introduces statutory requirements for the mineral extracting sector to engage with iwi and hapu. BEC supports the underlying premise and intent of the amendment. However, BEC questions the policy problem, considering the industry largely has a good working relationship with iwi and hapu already. The statutory requirement runs the risk of creating a tick-box exercise, with the industry complying with the minimum. Secondly, the Bill amends the wording 'promote' the prospecting and extraction of crown owned minerals with ''manage.'' The amendment also changes ''promote permitting'' with 'offer permits from time to time.' BEC notes that these last two amendments seem minor and relatively insignificant. However, they both send a clear anti-mining signal, and is likely to deteriorate investor sentiment towards New Zealand's minerals sector. Throughout the submission, BEC reiterates the ongoing importance of adequate critical minerals supply throughout the energy transition. BEC believes the changed wording should not proceed.
Outcome: Ongoing. The Bill remains in select committee.
Outcome: Ongoing. The Bill remains in select committee.- Proposed Regulations to support the Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Bill | September 7, 2021
ResourceProposed Regulations to support the Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
September 7, 2021Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Emily Calvert
Date: 2021-09-07
Category: Resource
Tags: Oil and Gas
Issue for Business: Submission from BusinessNZ and BEC The focus is on the multiple layers of requirements introduced, sovereign risk issues, the effect on investment and likely impacts to energy security and affordability. Also restate our opposition to the perpetual liability issues created by the draft Bill, which holds permit and licence holders liable for decommissioning costs, even if they transfer out of a permit
Action: Submission close 7 September 2021. Comments due by close of business Monday 1 September 2021.
Action: Submission close 7 September 2021. Comments due by close of business Monday 1 September 2021.- Responsibly Delivering Value: A Minerals and Petroleum Resource Strategy | September 20, 2019
ResourceResponsibly Delivering Value: A Minerals and Petroleum Resource Strategy
September 20, 2019Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Tina Schirr
Date: 2019-09-20
Category: Resource
Issue for Business: The purpose of a strategy is to help shape an eventual set of actions. Its purpose is to act as a touch-stone against which subsequent actions can be prioritised. It acts as a tool to guide the allocation of resources to highest value use. This then gives meaning to one of its other key roles – that is, to act as an accountability mechanism to ensure that the highest value outputs (as inferred by the strategy) are being delivered. As a broad, generally accepted characterisation of the purpose and role of a strategy, we are left somewhat confused by ‘Responsibly Delivering Value: A Minerals and Petroleum Resources Strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand: 2019 -2029’. We are quite simply unsure what to make of this ‘strategy’ – both in terms of how to understand its meaning and therefore impact, and what action to recommend to our members to take as a result of it
- Electricity Pricing Review | March 22, 2019
ResourceElectricity Pricing Review
March 22, 2019Issue for Business:Author: John Carnegie
Date: 2019-03-22
Category: Resource
Tags: resources
Issue for Business: The BEC supports the Panel putting consumers at the heart of the electricity price review. The options paper outlines the importance for electricity prices to be fair and affordable for consumers, as well as efficient or competitive. We recognise that even with cost-reflective, efficient prices, outcomes can emerge that are undesirable for some consumer groups. However, a competitive electricity market is a desirable objective in itself, and a strategy of mostly using competitive tools to deliver on it an appropriate one. It is important to review the market multidimensionally including affordability as one of the dimensions. Understanding the conceptual gap between what the market can reasonably be expected to deliver, and the other outcomes the Panel wishes to achieve speaks to the identification of problems and the allocation of appropriate, matching solutions.
- Proposed Regulations to support the Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Bill | September 7, 2021
- Customer and Product Data Bill & Accompanying Discussion Document | July 24, 2023Economy
Customer and Product Data Bill & Accompanying Discussion Document
July 24, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Stephen Summers
Date: 2023-07-24
Category: Economy
Issue for Business: BusinessNZ previously submitted on MBIE’s Consumer Data Right (CDR) discussion document in 2020. Given where the use of consumer data is heading globally, we believe there are economic opportunities for New Zealand if the introduction of a CDR is done effectively and efficiently, and most importantly provides a pathway for innovation. Any future steps must include the needs, concerns and opportunities for the business community.
Action: Submission sent to MBIE.
Outcome: Bill to be introduced later in 2023.
Action: Submission sent to MBIE.Outcome: Bill to be introduced later in 2023.- Consultation on a proposed increase to the Fire and Emergency transistional levy for 2024/25 and 2025/26 | April 27, 2023
EconomyConsultation on a proposed increase to the Fire and Emergency transistional levy for 2024/25 and 2025/26
April 27, 2023Submitting To: Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ)
Author: John Pask
Date: 2023-04-27
Category: Economy
Issue for Business: Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) is proposing an increase of 12.8% in the transistional levy component across all levied insurance policies for the 2024/25 and 2025/26 financial years to pay for the significant cost increase largely resulting for the new collective employment agreement settled in December 2022 between Fire and Emergency NZ (FENZ) and the NZ Professional Firefighters Union (NZPFU).
Action: BusinessNZ has made a submission to FENZ recommending that given the significant public good aspects of many of the services provided by the FENZ, the total cost increase in the transitional levy, forecast for the financial years 2024/25 and 2025/26, be funded from general taxation, partially compensating for the significant shortfall in FENZ's current government funding.
Outcome: FENZ are currently analysing submissions but is likely that they will proceed with their proposed policy rather than look at new funding mechanisms simply because they have discounted other methods of funding -despite the deficiencies associated with current funding methods.
Action: BusinessNZ has made a submission to FENZ recommending that given the significant public good aspects of many of the services provided by the FENZ, the total cost increase in the transitional levy, forecast for the financial years 2024/25 and 2025/26, be funded from general taxation, partially compensating for the significant shortfall in FENZ's current government funding.Outcome: FENZ are currently analysing submissions but is likely that they will proceed with their proposed policy rather than look at new funding mechanisms simply because they have discounted other methods of funding -despite the deficiencies associated with current funding methods.- Business Payment Practices Regulations | February 28, 2023
EconomyBusiness Payment Practices Regulations
February 28, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Stephen Summers
Date: 2023-02-28
Category: Economy
Issue for Business: Following on from BusinessNZ submission on the associated Bill for this regime late 2022, BusinessNZ also submitted on MBIE's Discussion Document that attempts to provide more details around how the regime will work, including possible measures that will be included for those that are required to comply. Overall, BusinessNZ submitted that compliance costs and the number of measures be kept to a minimum, as well as ongoing consultation with the business community to ensure a high quality regulatory outcome.
Action: Submitted on Discussion Document.
Outcome: Awaiting decisions by MBIE.
Action: Submitted on Discussion Document.Outcome: Awaiting decisions by MBIE.- Review into the Future for Local Government | February 24, 2023
EconomyReview into the Future for Local Government
February 24, 2023Submitting To: Local Government ReviewIssue for Business:Submitting to: Local Government Review
Author: John Pask
Date: 2023-02-24
Category: Economy
Issue for Business: The Review is looking at the future for local government, including roles and responsibilites, and future funding arrangements.
Action: BusinessNZ has made a submission saying that many improvements are needed to the way local government operates, including more cost-benefit transparency in decision-making, better analysis of the impact on businesses of local government regulation, and more focus on the 'beneficiary pays' approach to determining payment for local government services. A more realistic approach to local government revenue streams is needed.
Outcome: The Review Team has made public its final report. Given time constraints, no changes as a result of the review will be made this side of the general election. While the final review report makes some useful recommendations e.g Govt should pay rates on Crown-owned Land and that Cabinet should consider more fully the implications of making decisions that impose added costs on Local Government, by and large the report promotes a number of dubious concepts which are likely to make planning decisions even more difficult. At the same time they have effectively rejected the 'beneficiary pays' principle that both the Productivity Commission and Business Organisations have supported.
Action: BusinessNZ has made a submission saying that many improvements are needed to the way local government operates, including more cost-benefit transparency in decision-making, better analysis of the impact on businesses of local government regulation, and more focus on the 'beneficiary pays' approach to determining payment for local government services. Amore realistic approach to local government revenue streams is needed.Outcome: The Review Team is currently analysing submissions and will be reporting back to the Minister for local government later this year. Given time constraints, it will be most unlikely that any changes as a result of the review will be made this side of the general election.- Five-year review of the Monetary Policy Committee Remit that guides monetary policy decisions | January 27, 2023
EconomyFive-year review of the Monetary Policy Committee Remit that guides monetary policy decisions
January 27, 2023Submitting To: Reserve Bank of New ZealandIssue for Business:Submitting to: Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Author: John Pask
Date: 2023-01-27
Category: Economy
Issue for Business: The purpose is to get feedback on the Remit that guides decision-making by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) on monetary policy and Official Cash Rate (OCR) Adjustments.
Action: BusinessNZ's submission broadly supports the policy discussions on issues outlined within the Consultation Paper, including the Reserve Bank's recognition of the need to avoid having too many objectives for monetary policy and hence the decision to deem distributional and climate change issues as being 'out of scope'.
Outcome: The Reserve Bank has now completed its 5-yearly review and has clarified that 'house price sustainability' is not an operational objective of the Monetary Policy Committee remit. Recently the RB dropped consideration of including 'mitigating climate change' and 'fighting wealth and income inequality' in its remit. BusinessNZ considers this sensible as these issues are best tackled by other institutions, whereas the RB should be focused principally on price stability.
Action: BusinessNZ's submission broadly supports the policy discussions on issues outlined within the Consultation Paper, including the Reserve Bank's recognition of the need to avoid having too many objectives for monetary policy and hence the decision to deem distributional and climate change issues as being 'out of scope'.Outcome: The Reserve Bank will use feedback to inform their advice to the Minister of Finance on whether the Remit should be replaced or amended.- Consultation on ACC’s Accredited Employers’ Programme | November 6, 2022Employment Relations
Consultation on ACC’s Accredited Employers’ Programme
November 6, 2022Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Paul Mackay
Date: 2022-11-06
Category: Employment Relations
Issue for Business: ACC is recommending changes to the Accredited Employers Programme which allows large employers to cover their employees’ claims for work injuries in return for a reduction in their ACC employer levies. BusinessNZ's submission to MBIE responds to the proposed changes.
- Pay equity | April 27, 2021
Employment RelationsPay equity
April 27, 2021Issue for Business:Author: Paul Mackay
Date: 2021-04-27
Category: Employment Relations
Issue for Business: The Equal Pay Amendment Act was passed on November 6, 2020. Prior to its passage a range of claims had been made in the state sector, these have been dealt with using the set of principles developed by the Pay Equity Joint Working Group chaired by Dame Patsy Reddy, and since enshrined in the law. Since the Act was passed a further claim has been made for Early Childhood workers. This is the first real challenge for the Act given the large number of employers working in a sector characterised by a lack of coordination between the various employers’ groups.
Action: The government has set up a Data Repository to capture claims data as claims are settled, providing a research base for future claims.
Outcome: BusinessNZ is a member of the governance group of the Repository, to ensure that data relating to claims in the private sector are managed with appropriate recognition of privacy and commercial confidentiality.
Action: The government has set up a Data Repository to capture claims data as claims are settled, providing a research base for future claims.Outcome: BusinessNZ is a member of the governance group of the Repository, to ensure that data relating to claims in the private sector are managed with appropriate recognition of privacy and commercial confidentiality.- Fair Pay Agreements | April 27, 2021
Employment RelationsFair Pay Agreements
April 27, 2021Issue for Business:Author: Paul Mackay
Date: 2021-04-27
Category: Employment Relations
Issue for Business: The current government was elected in 2017 with a commitment to introduce Fair Pay Agreements (FPAs). Fair pay agreements are a set of terms and conditions of employment for an occupational group or sector. They will be agreed through bargaining between affected workers and employers, and will then become legal requirements in that sector. The Fair Pay Agreements Working Group (FPAWG) delivered its report to the Government in December 2018. This was followed in 2019 by a national consultation document that sought views on the Work Group’s recommendations. After discussions with Business NZ Zealand First indicated that the issues for business were significant, they did not support the development of FPAs and the process was stalled. Subsequent to the 2020 Election the majority Labour Government indicated that it would move ahead with implementing FPAs and is now working through the complex policy issues related to establishing what is in essence an old award system.
Action: In addition to discussions with New Zealand First, in July 2019, BusinessNZ expressed concerns to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) about the compulsory nature of the proposed FPAs, arguing that they breach the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention 1949 – conventions which the New Zealand Government has ratified. Therefore if the Government passed legislation compelling organisations to participate in FPAs it would be a breach of its international commitments. This would have signifcnat reputational implications for the Government, and subject it to deeper international scrutiny.
Outcome: The ILO has approached the government several times for comment. The Government has yet to respond.
Action: In addition to discussions with New Zealand First, in July 2019, BusinessNZ expressed concerns to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) about the compulsory nature of the proposed FPAs, arguing that they breach the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention 1949 – conventions which the New Zealand Government has ratified. Therefore if the Government passed legislation compelling organisations to participate in FPAs it would be a breach of its international commitments. This would have signifcnat reputational implications for the Government, and subject it to deeper international scrutiny.Outcome: The ILO has approached the government several times for comment. The Government has yet to respond.- The Holidays Act | January 27, 2021
Employment RelationsThe Holidays Act
January 27, 2021Issue for Business:Author: Paul Mackay
Date: 2021-01-27
Category: Employment Relations
Issue for Business: From around 2014 it became apparent that many employers were not applying the Holidays Act correctly when calculating Holiday Pay. Arrears in many cases totaled tens of millions of dollars. Previous reviews aimed at clarifying the current Act pointed to systemic problems. In late 2018, following a joint approach from BusinessNZ and the NZ Council of Trade Unions, the Government commissioned a full review of the Holidays Act. Whilst the Government received the recommendations of the Holidays Act review Working Group, it took no action until 2021. The Government has agreed to amend the Act in line with the recommendations of the Working Group Separately from the review, the Government has chosen to make two additional changes not supported by BusinessNZ, and outside the terms of reference of the review of the Act. These are; • increasing the minimum sick leave entitlements • introduction of a new Matariki public holiday Still further changes are imminent via a private members bill that that introduces an additional category of bereavement leave for instances where an employee has suffered a miscarriage. While these are all valid reasons for people to take leave, the creation of additional entitlements creates additional costs for employers at a time when even small increases are significant. BusinessNZ estimates that the introduction of additional sick leave and Matariki will remove approximately 8 million person days per year from national productivity.
Action: BusinessNZ submitted on the Amendment Bill
Outcome: The report of the Holidays Act Task force was released on 23 February 2021, having been accepted by Cabinet in its entirety. The Holidays (Sick Leave) Amendment Bill is currently in the Select Committee stages in Parliament, while a Bill to enact Matariki is expected later this year.
Action: BusinessNZ submitted on the Amendment BillOutcome: The report of the Holidays Act Task force was released on 23 February 2021, having been accepted by Cabinet in its entirety. The Holidays (Sick Leave) Amendment Bill is currently in the Select Committee stages in Parliament, while a Bill to enact Matariki is expected later this year.- Developing a framework for offshore renewable energy discussion document | November 2, 2023Energy
Developing a framework for offshore renewable energy discussion document
November 2, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-11-02
Category: Energy
Issue for Business: MBIE has released its second consultation document on the creation of a regulatory regime for offshore wind electricity generation. The first document relates to the feasibility stage of a permit regime. This document relates to the commercial permitting and decommissioning stage. We have outlined several priorities and recommendations the Government's approach should include: 1. Fast implementation of a permit regime with a straightforward criterion to ensure feasibility studies can begin. 2. Streamline the commercial permit stage by simplifying it to a pass or fail test based on a simpler capability criterion. 3. Simplify the consenting process by extending current policy guidance in the NPS-REG to the EEZ Act, so both Acts have the benefit of guidance. 4. Ensure coherence and avoid duplication in decision-making by appointing an authority for the EEZ and RMA components. 5. Clarify roles and taking necessary action for local port infrastructure, including investigations into required upgrades and funding mechanisms. 6. Develop a proactive workforce and supply chain strategy in tandem with the feasibility studies process, while being integrated into a sector-wide plan.
- Measures for transition to an expanded and highly renewable electricity system discussion document | November 2, 2023
EnergyMeasures for transition to an expanded and highly renewable electricity system discussion document
November 2, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-11-02
Category: Energy
Issue for Business: MBIE has released a paper outlining possible measures, including financial support mechanisms, regulatory changes and new guidance/standards to help support the transition. Our recommendations include: 1. Reduce uncertainty from NZ Battery Project and the 100% aspirational renewable electricity target. 2. Avoid duplicating existing work programmes, adhere to MDAG's recommendations. 3. Entrust assessment and measures surrounding competition to the EA and Commerce Commission. 4. Streamline consenting processes for transmission, distribution and generation. 5. Ensure regulatory frameworks facilitate proactive forward-looking investment in distribution/transmission. 6. Form industry consensus on the measures needed to ensure sufficient peaking capacity is available. 7. Ensuring settings balance the Trilemma. Despite price signals incentivizing new generation, prolonged high prices are unsustainable and detrimental to industry 8. Additional renewable penetration and growing peak demand is creating challenges for the grid. MDAG has demonstrated the need for more demand response to reduce the risk of blackouts. But for this to occur, demand response must be sufficiently incentivized for industry to offer their capacity.
- Implementing a ban on new fossil-fuel baseload electricity generation discussion document | November 2, 2023
EnergyImplementing a ban on new fossil-fuel baseload electricity generation discussion document
November 2, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-11-02
Category: Energy
Issue for Business: This consultation document discusses a proposed ban on new thermal baseload electricity generation. We oppose this proposal due to four main reasons. Each is detailed further in the submission attached. 1.) No developer is exploring to, nor planning to, construct new thermal baseload generation. This is likely to continue due to technology improvements that promises lower LCOE. Renewable forms of technology are already far cheaper and superior. 2.) However, despite the low probability of new thermal baseload, there a several scenarios that could justify new baseload. First, for an specified reason, renewables could fail to deliver sufficient baseload generation, thereby compromising security of supply, thus warranting new baseload. Second, new plant might be necessary to replace aging ones that could still play a role in the system for unspecified and unknown reasons. Replacing existing plant with modern and more energy efficient units capable of operating as baseload if necessary during dry years could be beneficial. Lastly, participants may identify opportunities for new co-generation to enhance the efficiency of their industrial process. 3.) The ban is unnecessary within a system that is already capped under the Emissions Trading Scheme. The ETS presents a large hurdle for any form of carbon-intensive generation, without the direct intervention of regulatory bans and ministerial interference. If the system necessitates new thermal baseload, despite higher carbon prices, it merely signifies that this plant and its emissions hold a higher value relative to other emissions (underscoring the existence of more cost-effective abatements elsewhere in the economy. A ban would free units to less valued ends, while have implications on energy affordability and security.
- Interim Hydrogen Roadmap | November 2, 2023
EnergyInterim Hydrogen Roadmap
November 2, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-11-02
Category: Energy
Issue for Business: This paper is an interim roadmap before the release of a final roadmap. The paper outlines several opportunities for the use of hydrogen. We have recommended several main priorities underlying the hydrogen roadmap: a) The roadmap should aim to enhance the investability of hydrogen. In doing so, it should provide a lucid understanding of hydrogen's role in New Zealand. Once this clarity has been given, it will attract investments and international attention. b) Conduct a comprehensive assessment outlining the distinctive characteristics of NZ's possible market which is grounded in our unique energy system, including our geographic nuances, economic landscape and demand profile, prioritizing local considerations over global trends that may not be relevant for New Zealand's future demand. c) Perform analysis encompassing the uncertainties and risks associated with hydrogen utilization. This should explore alternative applications, ensuring that the evaluation is not isolated from other potential uses. d) Ensure ongoing monitoring of international and domestic developments that could significantly influence the economic and technological developments that could influence the economic viability of hydrogen. e) Promptly implement PwC's hydrogen regulatory pathway report submitted in July 2022.
- Gas Transition Plan Issues paper | November 2, 2023
EnergyGas Transition Plan Issues paper
November 2, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-11-02
Category: Energy
Issue for Business: This paper released by MBIE, outlines the issues and opportunities relating to the Gas Transition Plan. We recommend that the priorities underlying the GTP should include: 1. An enduring and bipartisan understanding about the important role of gas throughout the transition and the right policy settings to reflect this role. 2. Restore enough confidence to ensure investment in deliverability by ruling out further heavy-handed interventions and replacing existing decommissioning requirements that lock away capital needed for incremental drilling. c) Investigate routes on how CCS technology could be deployed sooner, while developing regulatory settings that enable and incentivise the use of CCS technology. d) Keep all options open. Regulatory interventions aimed at reducing emissions may limit optionality, i.e., a ban on new residential gas connections limits biogas and hydrogen, destroying option value. e) A joint-up approach is needed in the formulation of policy. The direction of ETS policy could determine a firms’ presence in New Zealand and its demand for gas. f) Clarify the role of renewable gases, including the actions required to enable biogas or hydrogen blending. g) Clarify the role, responsibilities and costs involved in the decommissioning of some existing gas infrastructure
- Proposed National Policy Statement for Natural Hazard Decision Making (NPS-NHD) | November 17, 2023Environment & Infrastructure
Proposed National Policy Statement for Natural Hazard Decision Making (NPS-NHD)
November 17, 2023Submitting To: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)
Author: John Pask
Date: 2023-11-17
Category: Environment & Infrastructure
Issue for Business: The rationale for MfE promoting the proposed NPS-NHD is the growing threat to NZ from natural hazards, increasing the risk to human life and property. MfE also states that the way local authorities identify natural hazards and make decisions on new development varies throughout the country. It should be noted that the proposed NPS-NHD will only apply to new infrastructure.
Action: BusinessNZ has submitted to MfE stating that it is arguable that a NPS-NHD is required for a range of reasons. The propsoed NPS-NHD refers to risk tolerance but there is no clear definition of what 'tolerable' or 'íntolerable' risk is, apart from relatively vague references to loss of property and/or potential loss of life. BusinessNZ considers that given owners and developers of infrastructure generally have strong incentives to build fit for purpose, there is little role for regulators to restrict where development can occur, apart from where the potential externalities from a development may impact significantly on third parties and which are not adequately dealt with as part of the development.
Outcome: Awaiting MfE/Government decisions after submissions have been analysed.
Action: BusinessNZ has submitted to MfE stating that it is arguable that a NPS-NHD is required for a range of reasons. The propsoed NPS-NHD refers to risk tolerance but there is no clear definition of what 'tolerable' or 'íntolerable' risk is, apart from relatively vague references to loss of property and/or potential loss of life. BusinessNZ considers that given owners and developers of infrastructure generally have strong incentives to build fit purpose, there is little role for regulators to restrict where development can occur, apart from where the potential externalities from a development may impact significantly on third parties and which are not adequately dealt with as part of the development.Outcome: Awaiting MfE/Government decisions after submissions have been analysed.- Parliamentary Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Adaptation | November 1, 2023
Environment & InfrastructureParliamentary Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Adaptation
November 1, 2023Submitting To: Environment Select CommitteeIssue for Business:Submitting to: Environment Select Committee
Author: John Pask
Date: 2023-11-01
Category: Environment & Infrastructure
Issue for Business: The previous Government set up a Parliamentary Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Adaptation (terms of reference which were released on 24th August 2023). Submissions to the Inquiry have now closed and it will be up to the new Government to decide whether to proceed further with the Inquiry.
Action: BusinessNZ has made a submission to the Inquiry stating that managed retreat is an important issue with significant implications for property rights; it has to be carefully thought through. While BusinessNZ made a number of recommendations in its submission, one of the key ones being that there should be a high threshold for central or local government requiring people to move, generally restricted to cases where there is a significant public risk to the wider community, or where the cost of continuing to provide infrastructure services (roading/water/sewage etc) is prohibitive and cannot reasonably be funded principally by those who benefit from the provision of those services.
Outcome: Still awaiting formation of new Government and decision as to whether they will proceed with the Inquiry.
Action: BusinessNZ has made a submission to the Inquiry stating that managed retreat is an important issue with significant implications for property rights; it has to be carefully thought through. While BusinessNZ made a number of recommendations in its submission, one of the key ones being that there should be a high threshold for central or local government requiring people to move, generally restricted to cases where there is a significant public risk to the wider community, or where the cost of continuing to provide infrastructure services (roading/water/sewage etc) is prohibitive and cannot reasonably be funded principally by those who benefit from the provision of those services.Outcome: Still awaiting formation of new Government and decision as to whether they will proceed with the Inquiry.- The Review of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) | August 11, 2023
Environment & InfrastructureThe Review of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)
August 11, 2023Submitting To: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-08-11
Category: Environment & Infrastructure
Issue for Business: The Government has decided to review the Emissions Trading Scheme. Their aim is to rebalance the ETS to account for more gross emission reductions. This was set out in the Emissions Reduction Plan and inform by recommendations from the Climate Change Commission. 1.) The ETS has severely damaged confidence in the carbon market. One objective ought to be to restore such confidence. 2.) We recommend that the Government promptly rules out retrospective changes to current NZU rights, providing stability and predictability of the ETS regime for businesses and investors. 3.) Any changes need to be grounded in key principles: flexibility, stability, cost-effectiveness, simplicity and optionality. 4.) We recommend conducting a comprehensive quantitative analysis to determine the level of gross emission reductions intended up to 2050 before any options are decided. 5.) This should include an assessment of the costs and benefits of each option in rebalancing the ETS towards more gross reductions. 6.) Alongside the assessment of current options, we recommend assessing non-ETS measures aimed at managing and controlling afforestation. 7.) We would like to see a comprehensive assessment of all aspects impacting afforestation economics and potential planting. 8.) This should include undertaking a comprehensive assessment of the potential amount and types of land suitable for afforestation in the permanent exotic forestry category. 9.) We recommend to account for constraints beyond the ETS. 10.) We do not support any option at this stage due to the lack of detail and inadequate acknowledgement of non-ETS measures that could address the stated problem.
Outcome: This marks the beginning of the ETS review. Future changes are expected in the future.
Outcome: This marks the beginning of the ETS review. Future changes are expected in the future.- 2023 Draft advice to inform the strategic direction of the Government’s second emissions reduction plan | June 20, 2023
Environment & Infrastructure2023 Draft advice to inform the strategic direction of the Government’s second emissions reduction plan
June 20, 2023Submitting To: Climate Change CommissionIssue for Business:Submitting to: Climate Change Commission
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-06-20
Category: Environment & Infrastructure
Issue for Business: The Commission released its advice to inform the Government's second ERP. The advice outlines numerous recommendations on the strategic direction of the Government's policy direction across multiple sectors, including but not limited to, energy, industrial users and agriculture. BusinessNZ and BEC commented on several sections based on the impact upon climate change policy, and their relative consequence upon the broader business community. This submission clarifies and reinforces BusinessNZ/BEC's position on the role of gross and net emission reductions, the role of forestry, the integration of CCUS into the ETS, the Government's NDC target (and fiscal implications), the impact of policy uncertainty, RMA barriers and the important role of thermal in NZ's energy system.
- Annual updates to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme limits and price control settings | June 16, 2023
Environment & InfrastructureAnnual updates to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme limits and price control settings
June 16, 2023Submitting To: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-06-16
Category: Environment & Infrastructure
Issue for Business: This submission is a response to MfE's proposed changes to the ETS price and unit settings. We outlined several recommendations and discussion points: 1.) We recommend conducting fewer reviews of price and unit settings and providing clarity on the balance between gross and net reductions. 2.) We recommend avoiding premature reductions in the stockpiled units. 3.) We support maintaining the status quo regarding the CCR and price floor to prevent this from becoming a reference point for particularly high prices. 4.) We emphasise that external constraints exist outside of the ETS that limit the effectiveness of a higher price signal. 5.) We recommend the Government proactively releases any market moving announcements before quarterly auctions, providing market participants sufficient to react to policy changes. The submission outlines the justification for each recommendation and statement.
Outcome: The High Court ordered the Government to reconsider ETS settings agreed to last year after a judicial review brought by the Lawyers for Climate Action. The Government has recognized the Court's decision and has agreed to the Climate Change Commission's 2022 recommendations on unit and price settings. This has overruled the proposed settings outlined in this consultation. Has a result there will be: 1. The CCR will be split into two-tiers. 2. Tier 1 of the CCR will increase from $82 to $173.00 3. The auction floor will rise from $33.06 to $60.00 4. There will be 17.6 million fewer NZUs auctioned over 2023-2028.
Advocacy Map
- Three Year Review of the CPTPP – Inclusive Trade Action Group | September 30, 2022Export & Trade
Three Year Review of the CPTPP – Inclusive Trade Action Group
September 30, 2022Submitting To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFaT)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFaT)
Author: Joshua Tan
Date: 2022-09-30
Category: Export & Trade
Issue for Business: At the time of signing the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), New Zealand, together with Canada and Chile, signed the Joint Declaration on Fostering Progressive and Inclusive Trade (attached). The Joint Declaration founded the Inclusive Trade Action Group and, amongst other provisions, committed New Zealand to reviewing the effectiveness of the CPTPP three years after entry into force. MFAT asked for input into this review process.
Action: ExportNZ wrote a letter to MFAT with our feedback on the impact of the CPTPP on inclusive trade.
Outcome: MFAT will finalise their review in October 2022.
Action: ExportNZ wrote a letter to MFAT with our feedback on the impact of the CPTPP on inclusive trade.Outcome: MFAT will finalise their review in October 2022.- Modernising Our Export Assurances Systems: Legislative Options | September 29, 2022
Export & TradeModernising Our Export Assurances Systems: Legislative Options
September 29, 2022Submitting To: Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)
Author: Joshua Tan
Date: 2022-09-29
Category: Export & Trade
Issue for Business: MPI requested feedback on legislative options for food and fibre exports to help them regulate in response to overseas market access requirements.
Action: ExportNZ and the New Zealand International Business Forum wrote in support of Legislative Option One which would allow for for the legislation for new export requirements to be put in place for food and fibre exports that are outside the scope of the Animal Products Act and Wine Act.
Outcome: Awaiting the next stage of the process, expect MPI to have selected an option and will consult again.
Action: ExportNZ and the New Zealand International Business Forum wrote in support of Legislative Option One which would allow for for the legislation for new export requirements to be put in place for food and fibre exports that are outside the scope of the Animal Products Act and Wine Act.Outcome: Awaiting the next stage of the process, expect MPI to have selected an option and will consult again.- ExportNZ Letter of Support for the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement Legislation Bill | August 21, 2022
Export & TradeExportNZ Letter of Support for the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement Legislation Bill
August 21, 2022Submitting To: Parliamentary Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade Select CommitteeIssue for Business:Submitting to: Parliamentary Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade Select Committee
Author: Joshua Tan
Date: 2022-08-21
Category: Export & Trade
Issue for Business: Export New Zealand (ExportNZ) welcomes the opportunity to submit on the international treaty examination of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement (UK-NZ FTA).
Action: ExportNZ wrote, for the second time, to the FADT Select Committee in support of the passing of the UK Free Trade Agreement Legislation Bill and the ratification of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement.
Outcome: Awaiting next Reading in the House
Action: ExportNZ wrote, for the second time, to the FADT Select Committee in support of the passing of the UK Free Trade Agreement Legislation Bill and the ratification of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement.Outcome: Awaiting next Reading in the House- New Zealand’s Participation in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity | June 20, 2022
Export & TradeNew Zealand’s Participation in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity
June 20, 2022Submitting To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFaT)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFaT)
Author: Joshua Tan
Date: 2022-06-20
Category: Export & Trade
Issue for Business: MFAT have asked for submissions on New Zealand's participation in the US-initiative "Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity". The Framework is designed to re-engage the US in the Indo-Pacific through four pillars: Fair & Resilient Trade; Supply Chain Resilience; Infrastructure, Clean Energy, & Decarbonisation; and Tax & Anti-Corruption.
Action: ExportNZ believes there are significant opportunities and positive outcomes for New Zealand should it be involved in the Framework and we, therefore, lend our initial support to New Zealand’s participation in IPEF. In particular, ExportNZ supports New Zealand’s participation in three of the four pillars: Fair & Resilient Trade; Supply Chain Resilience; and Infrastructure, Clean Energy, & Decarbonisation.
Outcome: Awaiting Decision from MFAT on NZ Participation.
Action: ExportNZ believes there are significant opportunities and positive outcomes for New Zealand should it be involved in the Framework and we, therefore, lend our initial support to New Zealand’s participation in IPEF. In particular, ExportNZ supports New Zealand’s participation in three of the four pillars: Fair & Resilient Trade; Supply Chain Resilience; and Infrastructure, Clean Energy, & Decarbonisation.Outcome: Awaiting Decision from MFAT on NZ Participation.- ExportNZ Submission on the International Treaty Examination of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement | March 13, 2022
Export & TradeExportNZ Submission on the International Treaty Examination of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement
March 13, 2022Submitting To: Parliamentary Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade Select CommitteeIssue for Business:Submitting to: Parliamentary Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade Select Committee
Author: Joshua Tan
Date: 2022-03-13
Category: Export & Trade
Issue for Business: Export New Zealand (ExportNZ) welcomes the opportunity to submit on the international treaty examination of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement (UK-NZ FTA).
Action: ExportNZ believes the UK-NZ FTA achieves these aims and we support the ratification of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement.
Outcome: Ongoing
Action: ExportNZ believes the UK-NZ FTA achieves these aims and we support the ratification of the UK-NZ Free Trade Agreement.Outcome: Ongoing- Southern Cross BusinessNZ 2021 Workplace Wellness Survey | April 27, 2021Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Southern Cross BusinessNZ 2021 Workplace Wellness Survey
April 27, 2021Issue for Business:Author: Stephen Summers
Date: 2021-04-27
Category: Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Issue for Business: The survey is used to consider the scale of absenteeism in New Zealand, how much employers are doing to assist employees with health and wellness, and where, if any, there are gaps. This year, the survey will look at how COVID-19 has impacted New Zealand workplaces. Specifically, it will investigate how the pandemic has impacted workplace absence, policies regarding sick leave and whether employees continue to work while unwell, and the extent to which businesses have changed their working from home practices.
Action: The questionnaire is currently in the field till early May.
Outcome: Once the results are analysed, a report is expected to be released around July/August.
Action: The questionnaire is currently in the field till early May.Outcome: Once the results are analysed, a report is expected to be released around July/August.
- Productivity Commission Immigration Inquiry feedback | May 23, 2023Immigration, Education, Skills & Training
Productivity Commission Immigration Inquiry feedback
May 23, 2023Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Rachel Simpson
Date: 2023-05-23
Category: Immigration, Education, Skills and Training
Issue for Business: BusinessNZ provided feedback to the Government's response to the Productivity Commission Immigration Inquiry. BusinessNZ advised a Government Policy Statement was not necessary to better co-ordinate labour market supply channels, and that Te Tiriti o Waitangi centric immigration policy required further clarification before commenting.
Action: Consult with members and submit to MBIE
Action: Consult with members and submit to MBIE- The future of workforce supply | February 9, 2023
Immigration, Education, Skills & TrainingThe future of workforce supply
February 9, 2023Submitting To: BusinessNZIssue for Business:Submitting to: BusinessNZ
Author: BusinessNZ
Date: 2023-02-09
Category: Immigration, Education, Skills and Training
Issue for Business: Business New Zealand asked Sense Partners to summarise the current state and outlook for New Zealand’s pipeline of talent, related issues, and opportunities. We found that labour shortages have intensified over time and will intensify further with an ageing population. The issue is global and hence the competition for talent will also be global. While we have used immigration as an important source of labour in the past, we will need to be more consistent and deliberate on our immigration policy in the face of global demand for talent.
- Reform of Vocational education. | April 27, 2021
Immigration, Education, Skills & TrainingReform of Vocational education.
April 27, 2021Issue for Business:Author: Rachel Simpson
Date: 2021-04-27
Category: Immigration, Education, Skills and Training
Issue for Business: BusinessNZ is supportive of the ambition of RoVE to create a more effective and efficient system to deliver the skills industry needs. We remain mindful of the challenge of large-scale change and the risk of disruption to the skills pipeline, particularly given the challenging immigration settings. The positive response to Apprenticeship boost from business is heartening, and we are working to make sure that businesses continue to have access to support to ensure we can continue building the skills pipeline in years to come.
Action: BusinessNZ submitted on Workforce Development Council OIC, and is working with officials on governance for Worforce Development Councils and Regional Skills Leadership Groups.
Outcome: BusinessNZ immigration and skills manager Rachel Simpson is working to accelerate workforce planning to meet skill challenges.
Action: BusinessNZ submitted on Workforce Development Council OIC, and is working with officials on governance for Worforce Development Councils and Regional Skills Leadership Groups.Outcome: BusinessNZ immigration and skills manager Rachel Simpson is working to accelerate workforce planning to meet skill challenges.- Border and immigration settings | April 27, 2021
Immigration, Education, Skills & TrainingBorder and immigration settings
April 27, 2021Issue for Business:Author: Rachel Simpson
Date: 2021-04-27
Category: Immigration, Education, Skills and Training
Issue for Business: BusinessNZ is focused on the retention of skills (extensions, family reunification, removal of three-year stand down). We are also engaging with Government on plans for border opening and resuming visa processing (exemption settings, bubbles, vaccine passports, MIQ plans), future immigration settings, employer assisted visa settings and investor category visa settings
Action: We have submitted advice on this and continue to work with officials and Ministers on the issues.
Action: We have submitted advice on this and continue to work with officials and Ministers on the issues.- Crown Minerals Amendment Bill | January 23, 2023Resource
Crown Minerals Amendment Bill
January 23, 2023Submitting To: The Economic Development, Science and Innovation Select CommitteeIssue for Business:Submitting to: The Economic Development, Science and Innovation Select Committee
Author: Levi Gibbs
Date: 2023-01-23
Category: Resource
Issue for Business: The amendment to the Bill introduces and amends several changes. Firstly, the Bill introduces statutory requirements for the mineral extracting sector to engage with iwi and hapu. BEC supports the underlying premise and intent of the amendment. However, BEC questions the policy problem, considering the industry largely has a good working relationship with iwi and hapu already. The statutory requirement runs the risk of creating a tick-box exercise, with the industry complying with the minimum. Secondly, the Bill amends the wording 'promote' the prospecting and extraction of crown owned minerals with ''manage.'' The amendment also changes ''promote permitting'' with 'offer permits from time to time.' BEC notes that these last two amendments seem minor and relatively insignificant. However, they both send a clear anti-mining signal, and is likely to deteriorate investor sentiment towards New Zealand's minerals sector. Throughout the submission, BEC reiterates the ongoing importance of adequate critical minerals supply throughout the energy transition. BEC believes the changed wording should not proceed.
Outcome: Ongoing. The Bill remains in select committee.
Outcome: Ongoing. The Bill remains in select committee.- Proposed Regulations to support the Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Bill | September 7, 2021
ResourceProposed Regulations to support the Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
September 7, 2021Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Emily Calvert
Date: 2021-09-07
Category: Resource
Tags: Oil and Gas
Issue for Business: Submission from BusinessNZ and BEC The focus is on the multiple layers of requirements introduced, sovereign risk issues, the effect on investment and likely impacts to energy security and affordability. Also restate our opposition to the perpetual liability issues created by the draft Bill, which holds permit and licence holders liable for decommissioning costs, even if they transfer out of a permit
Action: Submission close 7 September 2021. Comments due by close of business Monday 1 September 2021.
Action: Submission close 7 September 2021. Comments due by close of business Monday 1 September 2021.- Responsibly Delivering Value: A Minerals and Petroleum Resource Strategy | September 20, 2019
ResourceResponsibly Delivering Value: A Minerals and Petroleum Resource Strategy
September 20, 2019Submitting To: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Issue for Business:Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Author: Tina Schirr
Date: 2019-09-20
Category: Resource
Issue for Business: The purpose of a strategy is to help shape an eventual set of actions. Its purpose is to act as a touch-stone against which subsequent actions can be prioritised. It acts as a tool to guide the allocation of resources to highest value use. This then gives meaning to one of its other key roles – that is, to act as an accountability mechanism to ensure that the highest value outputs (as inferred by the strategy) are being delivered. As a broad, generally accepted characterisation of the purpose and role of a strategy, we are left somewhat confused by ‘Responsibly Delivering Value: A Minerals and Petroleum Resources Strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand: 2019 -2029’. We are quite simply unsure what to make of this ‘strategy’ – both in terms of how to understand its meaning and therefore impact, and what action to recommend to our members to take as a result of it
- Electricity Pricing Review | March 22, 2019
ResourceElectricity Pricing Review
March 22, 2019Issue for Business:Author: John Carnegie
Date: 2019-03-22
Category: Resource
Tags: resources
Issue for Business: The BEC supports the Panel putting consumers at the heart of the electricity price review. The options paper outlines the importance for electricity prices to be fair and affordable for consumers, as well as efficient or competitive. We recognise that even with cost-reflective, efficient prices, outcomes can emerge that are undesirable for some consumer groups. However, a competitive electricity market is a desirable objective in itself, and a strategy of mostly using competitive tools to deliver on it an appropriate one. It is important to review the market multidimensionally including affordability as one of the dimensions. Understanding the conceptual gap between what the market can reasonably be expected to deliver, and the other outcomes the Panel wishes to achieve speaks to the identification of problems and the allocation of appropriate, matching solutions.
- Proposed Regulations to support the Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Bill | September 7, 2021
- The future of workforce supply | February 9, 2023
- Modernising Our Export Assurances Systems: Legislative Options | September 29, 2022
- Parliamentary Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Adaptation | November 1, 2023
- Measures for transition to an expanded and highly renewable electricity system discussion document | November 2, 2023
- Pay equity | April 27, 2021
- Consultation on a proposed increase to the Fire and Emergency transistional levy for 2024/25 and 2025/26 | April 27, 2023
- The future of workforce supply | February 9, 2023
- Modernising Our Export Assurances Systems: Legislative Options | September 29, 2022
- Parliamentary Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Adaptation | November 1, 2023
- Measures for transition to an expanded and highly renewable electricity system discussion document | November 2, 2023
- Pay equity | April 27, 2021
- Consultation on a proposed increase to the Fire and Emergency transistional levy for 2024/25 and 2025/26 | April 27, 2023