Advocacy Reports

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Proposed Changes to the Wetland Regulations

Submitting to: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)Author: John PaskDate: 2022-07-08Category: Environment & InfrastructureIssue for Business: Government is revising the wetland regulations given the potential unintended consequences of the initial regulationsAction:...

Public Consultation on Working for Families Tax Credits

Submitting to: Ministry of Social DevelopmentAuthor: Stephen SummersDate: 2022-06-06Category: EconomyIssue for Business: BusinessNZ has long held the view that Working for Families (WFF) represents a highly inefficient mechanism in which working New Zealanders receive...

New Zealand Freight & Supply Chain Issues Paper

Submitting to: Ministry of Transport (MoT)Author: Joshua TanDate: 2022-06-03Category: EconomyIssue for Business: MoT have released an issues paper for consultation regarding the next 30 years of New Zealand's freight and supply chain system.Action: Business New...

Dividend Integrity and Personal Services Income Attribution

Submitting to: Inland Revenue Department (IRD)Author: Stephen SummersDate: 2022-04-29Category: EconomyIssue for Business: Unlike our standard submission process, BusinessNZ and the Corporate Taxpayers Group (which share a very similar membership base) prepared a joint...

Driving Change: Reviewing the Road User Charges System

Submitting to: Waka Kotahi NZ Transport AgencyAuthor: John PaskDate: 2022-04-20Category: EconomyIssue for Business: NZ Transport Agency wants to recover costs of damage to roads while also addressing other issues with little relation to distance travelled or vehicle...

Price discovery under 100% renewable electricity supply

Submitting to: Electricity AuthorityAuthor: Emily CalvertDate: 2022-03-16Category: EnergyTags: ElectricityIssue for Business: The paper describes how our electricity supply system is likely to change physically with 100% renewable electricity supply and the likely...

Our Future Resource Management System

Submitting to: Ministry for the Environment (MfE)Author: John PaskDate: 2022-02-28Category: Environment & InfrastructureIssue for Business: Policy proposals where Ministers have made initial decisions on matters beyond the scope of the Natural and Built Environments...

Onshore fuel stockholding

Submitting to: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)Author: Emily CalvertDate: 2022-02-28Category: EnergyTags: Oil and GasIssue for Business: The consultation paper discusses various levels of stocks to be held physically onshore by fuel wholesale...

Data and Statistics Bill

Submitting to: Governance and Administration Select CommitteeAuthor: Stephen SummersDate: 2021-12-21Category: EconomyIssue for Business: Given the StatisticsNZ Act originates from 1975, a review of it is timely, especially when the narrow focus on collecting data via...